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MessagePosté: Ven Mar 31, 2006 10:01 pm 
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Spéssialist ortografik
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Inscription: Jeu Aoû 12, 2004 7:11 pm
Messages: 1504
Localisation: À l'écoute du conseil
The one with his hat :mrgreen:

Famille veut dire que personne ne doit être abandonné

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Sam Avr 01, 2006 5:15 pm 
Emma Indoril a écrit:
He has eaten Stitch !

You made me laugh out loud with this comment Emma! :lol:

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MessagePosté: Sam Avr 01, 2006 5:23 pm 
Vae-primat a écrit:
This is the my spring-time avatar's dress :mrgreen:

Well Vae-primat, it is good to see that you are keeping with the current Spring Afterall, the French are known for their haute couture :wink:


by the way...what does Vae-primat mean?

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MessagePosté: Sam Avr 01, 2006 6:09 pm 
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Spéssialist ortografik
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Inscription: Jeu Aoû 12, 2004 7:11 pm
Messages: 1504
Localisation: À l'écoute du conseil
Afterall, the French are known for their haute couture

It's the new vampire Versace's fashions :mrgreen:

by the way...what does Vae-primat mean?

That' the great question !! :D
It's one of the twenty-one centuries mysteries. :lol:
Everybody wants to known, but it's highly top confidential :mrgreen:

Famille veut dire que personne ne doit être abandonné

Dernière édition par Vae-primat le Sam Avr 01, 2006 8:14 pm, édité 1 fois.

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MessagePosté: Sam Avr 01, 2006 8:12 pm 
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Se croit Roi d'un peuple imaginaire...
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Inscription: Lun Oct 04, 2004 7:12 pm
Messages: 1955
Localisation: Alpes Maritimes, France
I see you live in Seattle, if you can get me autograph from both Robin Hobb and David & Leigh Eddings, I can tell you what it means :mrgreen:

Ή επιστήμη γίγνεται ώς
(la science devient des oreilles !)

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Sam Avr 01, 2006 9:54 pm 
Finrod a écrit:
I see you live in Seattle, if you can get me autograph from both Robin Hobb and David & Leigh Eddings, I can tell you what it means :mrgreen:

Sorry Finrod, not a fair trade at all :wink:
You simply have to type a few words, and I would have to stand for hours in the rain at a book store on an otherwise perfect Saturday afternoon...
What else you got? lol

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MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 8:45 am 
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Inscription: Dim Oct 03, 2004 11:05 am
Messages: 2150
Robin Hobb

Image :?:

In flood we trust !

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MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 11:17 am 
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Se croit Roi d'un peuple imaginaire...
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Inscription: Lun Oct 04, 2004 7:12 pm
Messages: 1955
Localisation: Alpes Maritimes, France
non, pas Robin Hood ( tiens c'est marrant d'ailleurs, en français c'est Robin des Bois et en anglais c'est Robin Capuche :wink: ) mais Robin Hobb :wink:

( not Robin Hood but Robin Hobb (and by the way, it's funny because in French it's Robin Wood or of the Woods and in English it's Hood :wink: )

Ή επιστήμη γίγνεται ώς
(la science devient des oreilles !)

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 4:33 pm 
Finrod a écrit:
non, pas Robin Hood ( tiens c'est marrant d'ailleurs, en français c'est Robin des Bois et en anglais c'est Robin Capuche :wink: ) mais Robin Hobb :wink:

( not Robin Hood but Robin Hobb (and by the way, it's funny because in French it's Robin Wood or of the Woods and in English it's Hood :wink: )

lol lol lol
Emma knew that of course, she is just a clever and funny girl, right Emma?

And Finrod, I hope you realize that the English "Robin Hood" is the correct version (It is English lore afterall :P )...Robin Wood would not go over quite as well, but it would be a fun name


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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 4:45 pm 
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Spéssialist ortografik
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Inscription: Jeu Aoû 12, 2004 7:11 pm
Messages: 1504
Localisation: À l'écoute du conseil
Finrod qui a encore perdu une occasion de se taire :mrgreen:

Famille veut dire que personne ne doit être abandonné

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 5:12 pm 
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Ecolo à vélo

Inscription: Sam Jan 22, 2005 4:05 pm
Messages: 3098
Localisation: Shembray

Emma knew that of course, she is just a clever and funny girl, right Emma?

Well, clever and funny, that's for sure, I just worry about the "girl"... :roll:

And Finrod, I hope you realize that the English "Robin Hood" is the correct version

This time, I think it's Finrod who's misunderstanded (néologisme ? :mrgreen: ). Robin Wood would be the translation word by word from french to english... so maybe "Robin des bois" come from a mistake, when it has been traduct in french the first time, the guy understanding hood as wood... that's what he wanted to say...:roll: or so I think. :mrgreen:

Image Image Image

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 5:40 pm 
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Se croit Roi d'un peuple imaginaire...
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Inscription: Lun Oct 04, 2004 7:12 pm
Messages: 1955
Localisation: Alpes Maritimes, France

Finrod a écrit:
non, pas Robin Hood ( tiens c'est marrant d'ailleurs, en français c'est Robin des Bois et en anglais c'est Robin Capuche Wink ) mais Robin Hobb Wink

( not Robin Hood but Robin Hobb (and by the way, it's funny because in French it's Robin Wood or of the Woods and in English it's Hood Wink )

lol lol lol
Emma knew that of course, she is just a clever and funny girl, right Emma?

And Finrod, I hope you realize that the English "Robin Hood" is the correct version (It is English lore afterall Razz )...Robin Wood would not go over quite as well, but it would be a fun name


Emma savait cela bien sur, c'est juste une fille marrante et maline, n'est ce pas Emma ?

Et Finrod, j'espère que tu réalises que l'anglais "Robin Hood" est la version correcte ( c'est une hésitoire anglaise après tout...) Robin Wood ne passerait pas aussi bien, mais serait un nom marrant cependant...

Emma knew that of course, she is just a clever and funny girl, right Emma?

Well, clever and funny, that's for sure, I just worry about the "girl"... Rolling Eyes

Emma is girl ? So we've been lied to ? I think the CIA needs to investigate :mrgreen:

( Pepère, j'ai pas pigé grand chose, tu veux dire quoi? qu'on a pas compris ce que j'ai dit ? et que robin des bois vient d'une erreur de "copie" originale ? )

Ή επιστήμη γίγνεται ώς
(la science devient des oreilles !)

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 6:33 pm 
Vae-primat a écrit:
Finrod qui a encore perdu une occasion de se taire :mrgreen:

And what exactly do you mean by this Vae-primat?? :wink:


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MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 6:38 pm 
Pépère a écrit:
Well, clever and funny, that's for sure, I just worry about the "girl"... :roll:

Emma dear, are you not a woman afterall? Have I been wrong all along? lol
Maybe I should ask each of you to translate your profiles for me so that I may know who exactly I am talking with :D :lol: :shock: :P

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Dim Avr 02, 2006 6:41 pm 
Emma is girl ? So we've been lied to ? I think the CIA needs to investigate :mrgreen:

I am already on the case Finrod...and using a revolutionary tactic, called "asking" lol :wink:


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